The Problem with Pilates

The biggest disadvantage of Pilates is that it really works. That sounds like an advantage, I know, but hear me out. Something that really works takes time, effort and commitment. There is no pill or instant fix, not even a 6-week gimmick to flat abs. Flat abs is not even the point, maybe that is a disadvantage for you, maybe thats what you truly want, or maybe you just think it is because marketing has done a really good job of making you feel inferior and to strive for goals that are not even healthy.

A second disadvantage of Pilates is that it produces self-confidence and self-possession. Again, what on earth is wrong with that? Well, once you know you can do it, you can longer use the excuse that you will fail or be frozen with fear that you're different and less than others to keep you suffering unnecessary woes of life. 

So if you really want to make a lasting change in your body and improve your mental outlook, you're in trouble because Pilates works but you have to show up, calm down, learn to pay attention, and trust yourself enough to give it a try (I promise you can do it) in order to see it is the best thing you've ever done in your life.

The positive thing is that Life in the Body has done all the heavy lifting for you, we already know all the ways you get in your own way, and our training is specifically created to overcome those. So the very act of learning pilates/yoga is one and the same with the act of tearing down the walls you have built up that are preventing you from really living life.


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