
Trusting yourself is not born of having done everything right. It is born of recognizing that you are worth no less for having done wrong.

That trust is naturally in us and gets covered over.

It's a process of discovery not a goal to be attained. Not something you lack and must struggle for. Something you must be patient and quiet to see, and that you must again and again return to because of the "pulling" that the other way has over us. Drawing us away from it, or covering over it so we can't see it.

Those "pullings" or coverings are our hindrances. And while we are looking at our anger, doubt, anxiety we will see nothing else.

When we discover this trust, it will extend naturally to the other. And regardless of things going as we want or think they should, we can trust the reality of what is and stay present to discover how to respond instead of run from it or fight it.

Soon we are trusting more than our small ideas of how life should be, and trusting whatever role we may have in a bigger interconnected picture. Trusting that we need not know what that role is or even need a label to describe it, but to trust ourself and the process of meditation so much that over time we dwell fully in that meditative awareness. In that trust. In that peace.

Bizarre as it is, from trust, our decisions, grounded in peace and meditative awareness, become much more harmonious thereby nourishing our trust to grow and blossom. We make less mistakes when our decisions happen from a place of peace and trust. You will never get to trust from non-trust. Non-trust will lead you to worse decisions, less trust, more withering and dying. So just start today, know you’re worthy even in your mess-ups, find peace with them, find trust, and move towards the harmonious. The means and the ends must be one and the same.

I wish this for all of us! For everyone everywhere.




to Know YOUR Body