Misplaced Aim
With the thousands upon thousands of self-help books, and religious and philosophical texts, why on earth have we not solved some of the most basic aspects of being human. Getting along? Relating to one another? Being at peace? Embracing existence? These are fundamental things, necessary things, and yet we can fly to the moon, and carry our entire lives in a hand-computer.
Why haven’t we solved these basic questions. This is not an exhaustive answer, but its a great place to start or have a look. And really the only place to look that can be directly controlled and trusted to have a ripple effect that can result in all things humanity as longed for.
A problem with finding the solution is, we think we’ve already solved it within ourself. We think we are already doing fine at being human, or at least average and thats good enough. If we think we are not doing fine, we know our life is a mess, we think its because something is wrong with us or them or something that happened to us, and we can’t change. So we either think we don’t have to, or that we can’t. So we don’t really do anything. We’ve failed because we’re not really aiming or even trying.
We are busy pointing (not aiming) at those who are less than us and think they should get their act together. We point to those who are more than us and say they should throw us a bone. But we don’t look at what we are implying with those beliefs. The implication is that we are different. There is an us and a them. There is a you and a me. (I said this was not exhaustive, because there are certainly conditions that cause lesser opportunity to thrive, however why I still feel it is the place to start, is because you can’t have an effective conversation between people if they are adversaries or even perceived adversaries, you have to get your mind right first). And while we are all so busy pointing over there, we have not aimed for whats within us. The answer is so close we can’t see it.
In regards to the self-help books, we read them and recognize the wisdom, and then when we go about our life and can’t seem to do it the way that was advised, we feel inadequate and give up. Or we give up and try again in a repetitive cycle. Never really getting anywhere. The books aren’t telling us things we don’t know. Sometimes they might, but much of self-help especially, I believe many people who read them agree and feel really good about what they learned, and then turn around and struggle because reading or knowing something is very different than having the experience of it. Applying it. But how do you do that?
Well, thats one thing Life in the Body was started for. To help others find the answers within themselves by giving them experience in the art of discovery. Of paying attention. Of awareness. Presence. Establishing confidence and trust in themself.
I have nothing new to tell you, I’m no different than you, all the books we have, already said it well enough, choose one or ten of them. All I have is my belief that by connecting with others, through friendship, we are transformed. And a few tools that have helped me along my journey to here.
If you’re ready to solve your own puzzle, start with the question, am I the same as ________? (your favorite wise person) Remind yourself this is about finding whats inside you, not some answer from the ether, or from another. And then join us for the experience that will help you answer it for sure. You can’t really fail at this. Its the first step in aiming the right way. The Free Pilates Yoga Lesson we offer is because we are confident you will know immediately that you’re on the right path with us.